Saturday, 18 February 2017

article for SEO PERFECT 7 keys to write it

First of all it is necessary to clarify that the articles or content of a web, are written for people, not for search engines . Away are already over-optimized articles with the keyword in bold an excessive number of times, also tucked into titles of different sizes ... First of all we must take into account that the content is quality, because this is what will offer a vitality to it And give you a value to test any updates from Google.
Content writing for SEO

1º Generates quality content and extensive:

 Evidently the content must be of quality, UNIQUE and extensive. With extensive we refer to articles of 500 to 700 words. We have highlighted the unique because it is important not to make copy paste. You know that Google and its animals are not friends of duplicate content. Something basic is that the content is quality.

2º Link Relevant External Websites

: Many webmasters release all their external links with NOFOLLOW tags as if their Page Rank is a treasure they do not want to share with anyone. This in addition to not being natural, does not benefit you. If you make a reference to a relevant external page linked to the topic, you are telling the searcher that this content is of quality, because in addition to providing valuable information, cites relevant sources that expand that information (Wikipedia is an excellent wildcard). This enriches the content and helps the reader. Here it is very important that the external links that generate do with target = "_ blank" or what is the same open in another tab, because this way we will prevent the user from leaving our website and increase our rebound rate.

3º Images and videos :

 Adding visual content to the post is a point that also denotes that the content you offer is made, just as if we make use of a video. The advantage of the videos are also several: They increase the time on page: The videos are easy to digest, so people like to lose a little time to see what they tell you. This means that the reader is the length of time the video on your page, so it increases.  They help you generate external links, visits and brand image: If you generate a video and upload it to an external server integrating this process with your positioning strategy, you can take advantage of this action to get an external youtube link, for example. In addition you have the possibility to capture traffic from the network of videos and on the other hand you will make a brand image with a simple signature in the video or by the mere mention of the source.

4th Internal Linkbuilding :

Having a correct link strategy within your website is basic. When you generate a content if it is of quality it is logical that with the passage of time obtain a positioning value. If in addition to providing external links of value, you provide internal links of value you will get the reader to stay longer on your page, visit more sections and also share positioning value between different pages of your website.

5º Right choice of title and keywords :

 The title is one of the basic pieces in SEO. Google makes use of this to show you in your results so having a good title is a must. Here come tricks of all kinds and go according to what you seek to achieve. If it is an article that has a short life and what you are looking for is a good volume of visits for the impact but then "die" titles of the type: X tips for, X things what ... This does not mean that you can not use this technique with Others. For example, it is important that you see the different variations of your title, the combinations you have, the competition that has this in Google, the volume of searches that returns ... In addition to this if you seek to get positioning by a certain keyword with the article or content Seeks to position it at the beginning of the title, to denote its importance.

6º Be a little irreverent and brings different things :

On the internet we are more than fed up with reading the same content published differently or with other words on a lot of pages. Provide different information, tell what nobody counts, notice. Here is the clear example of  a blog that is far from the politically correct, neither at the level of SEO, nor at the level of image, nor when it comes to telling things. But it has been able to show and demonstrate that it contributes quality content and transmits it with a style of its own. This at the level of SEO, will help us generate SINGLE and VIRAL content. 7º Make a correct SEO on PAGE of your content : what we said at the beginning of the article. Google has long not eat over optimization of content, articles with high density of keywords, hidden text or tricks that in time worked.

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