Saturday, 18 February 2017

Benefits Banana for Diet and Beauty Face

Benefits Banana for Diet and Beauty Face
Benefits Banana for Diet and Beauty Face, Who is not familiar with banana, yellow fruit whose skin is quite rich in compounds that are beneficial to health. Not only good for the health benefits of bananas turns to diet and maintain the beauty of the face also need you feel usefulness. because a lot of vitamin content therein, such as phosphorus, vitamin C, iron and Vitamin B complex. Bananas also become one of the foods that can provide a source of energy. consume a minimum of two bananas a day can satiate hunger and put off so well suited to you who are on a diet program.

Whereas for beauty, bananas are very suitable if used as a mask. the benefits of the use of masks bananas that can smooth the skin and prevent wrinkles and fine lines lines. but it can also prevent acne. Bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals, potassium, and magnesium which is very good for health. But do you know if it turns banana peels can be used for beauty treatments?
Apart Benefits Banana for Diet and Beauty Face. Probably most people will throw banana peels after eating the fruit. Yes, because many do not know the benefits of a banana skin. If you know the benefits of this banana skin, of course you would think twice about going to throw away the skin. There are many benefits that can be obtained from banana peels. That's the beauty of your skin. Can keep skin from acne, increase skin smoothness, etc.
Banana peel can brighten the face evenly. So, for the treatment, you do not need to spend much money. You simply take advantage of a banana skin maintain the beauty of the skin. With this banana skin, you do not have to worry about such side effects in drugs that contain chemicals. Banana skin is safe for you to use because of side effects.

Dead skin cells can indeed be unleashed and breeding dirt. Not only that, the dead skin cells can clog pores that cause acne to appear easy. You can overcome the problem of dead skin cells by using a banana skin. Enough to destroy the banana peel until smooth. Then put on your skin evenly. Let stand a few minutes then rinse with clean water.
Pimples that grow on the skin is very disturbing. Even in the presence of acne has become less confident when appearing in front of many people. But do not worry, you can use banana skin to cure acne. You simply rub a banana peel that has been washed clean. Try rubbing a banana peel on the skin at night time. Thats all the information about benefits Banana for diet and beauty face, maybe usefull.

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